헤어라인 모발이식

Hairline Hair Transplant

A receding hairline can affect a man or woman’s self-confidence. It can be a sign of aging or the onset of male pattern baldness. Fortunately, a hairline transplant is a safe and permanent way to restore a natural-looking, youthful appearance. However, it’s important to choose a surgeon with experience in hair restoration to ensure you achieve the best results possible. A hairline transplant surgery is a complex procedure and requires careful planning, precision, and skill to achieve the right result.

Before you undergo a hairline hair transplant, the surgeon and technicians will discuss your options and explain the entire procedure in detail. During the hairline hair transplant, your scalp will be shaved and then given a local anaesthetic to prevent you from feeling any pain during the procedure. The first phase of the hairline transplant is to extract the donor follicles from the back and sides of your head. This will take between 1-2 hours. Once the grafts are ready, they will be prepped for re-implantation.헤어라인 모발이식

The next step is to implant the grafts into your temples and forehead. The aim is to fill out the area with the shortest hair, levelling your previously m-shaped hairline and giving you a more even look across the forehead. The most commonly used method for this process is follicular unit transplantation (FUT). However, there are some clinics who use another technique called follicular unit extraction (FUE). FUE can offer a more precise and scarless outcome.

Your surgeon should carefully plan the number and spacing of follicles for a natural-looking finish. This is especially important along the frontal hairline where the follicles are most visible. The hairline should also be aligned with your natural facial structure and ethnicity. For example, Caucasian men typically have higher and more curved hairlines, whereas Afrocentric men tend to have lower and straighter ones.

Once your hairline is restored, it will begin to grow at a normal rate. It can take a few months before you get your final results. However, you can speed up this process by taking finasteride. This medication is designed to stop further hair loss by inhibiting the production of DHT, which can cause male pattern baldness. Alternatively, you can also opt for platelet rich plasma (PRP) treatment, which helps to promote faster growth of your new hair.모우다의원

Hairline hair transplants can last up to 15 years if cared for properly. However, it’s important to note that if you start to lose your natural hair again, the transplanted follicles may not be able to keep up. In this case, you may require further transplants to maintain your ideal look.

To find out if you are a suitable candidate for hairline transplantation, book a free Zoom consultation with one of the world’s leading hair restoration specialists. A team of highly experienced surgeons will be able to examine your forehead and answer any questions you might have. They will also provide you with advice on the best option for your needs.