
Rhinitis Hospital

Rhinitis is a condition that affects the nose and sinuses, important structures in your face. It causes nasal congestion, runny nose, itchy or watery eyes, and sometimes a headache with pain on one side of the head. It can interfere with your ability to smell and taste food, and it may affect your quality of life and work or school productivity. The specialists in the Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery at Mount Sinai have extensive expertise in treating this condition, with various over-the-counter and prescription medications and minimally invasive surgical techniques.환절기 비염치료

The most common cause of rhinitis is allergies. Allergies to trees, grass and dust mites, fungus and animal dander trigger a reaction in the nose and sinuses. This is also known as hay fever or seasonal allergies. It is estimated that allergic rhinitis affects 20 percent of children and 30 percent of adults in the U.S.

Over-the-counter and prescription antihistamines help with symptoms. These can be taken by mouth or as nasal sprays. Nasal sprays are available without a doctor’s prescription and can be very effective in reducing runny nose, itchy or watery eye, itching in the nose or throat, and congestion. They usually do not cause drowsiness. Nasal steroid sprays can help reduce inflammation and swelling in the nose and nostrils, and decrease itching and congestion. However, it is important to remember that these sprays can irritate the lining of the nose and can lead to dependence and addiction.

Other symptomatic treatments include decongestants (nose drops or sprays), oral or nasal steroid medicines, and mast-cell stabilizers. All of these have their own pros and cons and should be carefully reviewed by a physician.

Another possible cause of rhinitis is an infection, such as a cold or the flu. It is also possible for long-term health problems to trigger or make rhinitis worse, such as diabetes and a condition that happens when the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone, called hypothyroidism.라경찬한의원

Chronic rhinitis is more difficult to treat, but it can be relieved by changing certain habits, including not smoking and drinking hot or spicy foods. It can be triggered by air pollution, odors and fumes from some types of jobs, or low humidity. A detailed history often reveals whether an infection is the culprit, and a physical exam can reveal purulent nasal discharge, postnasal drainage, facial pressure and congestion, and crusting of the middle turbinate. A bacterial culture or viral PCR test can confirm an infectious process and provide specific antibiotic treatment.