
What to Expect From a Dermatological Hospital

A dermatological hospital provides medical and cosmetic services for conditions of the skin, hair and nails. These specialists can diagnose and treat health conditions, as well as cosmetic problems like acne, scarring and hair loss. They may also refer you to other specialists and provide care in coordination with their colleagues.

There are more than 3,000 different conditions that affect the skin, hair and nails. These conditions range from the common and benign to the life-threatening and serious. Dermatologists have training in the diagnosis and treatment of all of these conditions.

During a visit to a dermatologist, they will review your medical history and symptoms. Then, they will examine your skin from head to toe, paying special attention to any spots that are concerning, such as a mole or skin patch that has changed shape or color. They can use a magnified tool, called a dermatoscope, to look at the top layer of your skin and take a swab for testing.삼성역피부과

If they notice anything abnormal, they will make a diagnosis and prescribe medication or recommend a procedure. These procedures can include topical creams, light therapy, laser treatments, and surgery. A dermatologist can also treat conditions that affect the hair and nails, such as ingrown nails and fungal infections. They can treat a condition called vitiligo, which causes the skin to lose its natural pigment, and psoriasis, an autoimmune disease that can cause red, itchy patches of scales.

They can also perform cosmetic procedures, such as chemical peels and a full spectrum of cosmetic fillers. These can reduce fine lines and wrinkles, minimize the appearance of scars, and add volume to thin areas. Many of these treatments are also safe for people of all ages.

In addition to providing medical and surgical treatment, dermatologists are involved in research. This helps to advance the field of dermatology and improves patient outcomes. They also conduct clinical trials of medications and devices to determine whether they are safe and effective.

When choosing a dermatologist, it is important to choose one who is board certified by the American Academy of Dermatology. This means they have finished medical school as a doctor of medicine or osteopathy and completed a residency, which includes 1 year of hands-on experience. A search tool on the AAD website can help you find a dermatologist near you. It is especially important to choose a dermatologist who has experience treating people with your skin tone, as certain conditions can have specific side effects on dark skin. This is especially true after some types of lesion removal, when keloid scarring can occur. Also, a dermatologist who has extensive experience treating rosacea is likely to be better equipped to deal with this chronic skin disorder.선릉역피부과